Omaha, Nebraska Speed Traps

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US Highway 75 near Lake Street

Omaha, NebraskaFeb 08, 20060 Comments

1 cop will sit on grassy area next to lake street exit with a laser, and 5 or 6 other cops will be on the on-ramp (unvisible) as you come north on the North Freeway once you come off the hill from hamiltion you can see people pulled over already but its too late.

Interstate I-680 near Exit Number Fort Street

Omaha, NebraskaFeb 08, 20060 Comments

I have seen traps on both sides of I-680 just before the Fort Street exit (heading North). The police car sits out of sight our under the bridge in the shadow. The speed limit is 60 mph so watch your speed between the Fort & Maple exit on 680!

Pacific Street

Omaha, NebraskaFeb 08, 20060 Comments

At the bottom of the hill near 150th and Pacific. They love this spot particularly after school gets out, when students are driving home. Watch out, if you start down the hill at 35 and don’t press the gas or the break, you’ll end up at 45.

Pacific Street near 90th Street

Omaha, NebraskaFeb 08, 20060 Comments

As you travel Eastbound on Pacific from 93rd Street, radar enforcement is in the Pacific Hills Lutheran church parking lot at 91st Street. A 35 mph zone, 10 mph over citations, are issued at 50 mph.

Pacific Street near 90th Street

Omaha, NebraskaFeb 08, 20060 Comments

Police will sit in the west parking lot of Pacific Hills Church and run radar on eastbound Pacific St. traffic. Speed limit on Pacific is 45 from 105 to 96th, then drops to 35. I’ve seen it primarily in the evening rush hour. Most I’ve seen is 4 police cars, and 2 motorcycle cops. They will step out into Pacific Street to pull you over to the parking lot, but if you see them from the top of the hill (96th Street), you can turn south into the neighborhood to avoid being caught.

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