Wilmington, North Carolina Speed Traps
S. College Road – Abandoned K-Mart
Parking lot is deep. Cops love to sit there in the deep, clock, and you can’t see them until it’s too late.
Wrightsville Ave. – Pelican Family Medicine
Nighttime only
Coming from Wrightsville Beach heading towards the hospital, the speed limit changes from 45 to 35 MPH before the curve that the building sits at. Sheriffs love to sit in the parking lot to catch the ones who do not slow down heading towards the hospital.
From the opposite direction, the Sheriffs love to tuck in on the dirt road across the street at Park Avenue Baptist to catch the ones heading towards the beach that have already started doing 45 MPH.
N. College and Business Drive
Both the Sheriffs and the Highway Patrol (the “Ghostmarked” NCSHP car was there Wednesday) love to use the hill, the signs welcoming you to the business park, and the sharp curve as you turn into the business park to deeply park their cars on Business facing N. College. The road is straight and lonely with a 45 MPH speed limit tempting you to go real fast.
N. Kerr Ave. The “S” curve from Alandale Dr. to Morris Rd
Anywhere along that Stretch. I have seen the police cars from the parking lot of the businesses, tucked in on Control Tower Drive, to the City Water/sewer pump. The S-curve is 45 but people coming from the North usually miss the change in speed limit from 55 to 45 MPH.
Wrightsville Ave, First A.O.G. Church – 4900 Block
The Church has a long paved driveway with a carport providing shelter for the main entry doors. Police like to tuck under the carport and clock when church services are not happening.