Wilmington, North Carolina Speed Traps
Randall Parkway, between S. College Rd. and Collegiate Dr.
If you are coming from Kerr Ave going towards S. College. Beware! The businesses on that side of the street are located on properties with narrow widths but very deep lengths. Usually after hours, the police will park in the parking lots deep towards the very back of the lot. Very hard to see that they are there.
Independence Blvd. Between Park Ave. and Wrightsville Ave
If you are on Independence between Park Avenue and Wrightsville Ave, be careful. When the shrubbery / bushes is thick and uncut (Empie Park side) at the curve between the church and Empie Park, the Wilmington Police Department has been know to tuck behind the bushes for a speed trap.
Murrayville Station Business Park, Exchange Drive, Galls
Galls is the warehouse that is authorized to stock uniforms, holsters, etc for Law Enforcement officers (that’s a good thing).
However, if you happen to speed on Exchange Drive to get to any of the eating establishments in the strip-mall and Law Enforcement is pulling out of the Galls parking lot, you will get pulled and ticketed.
Between Kerr and Civil on Randall
As soon as you leave the 40mph zone coming off Kerr into the 35mph zone on Randall before entrance where Tax Office is in tall brick building.
independence road and carolina beach road
Just an FYI. I was traveling 45 on this road and blue mustang pulled me over and wrote me for 59mph. I live 1/4 mi. from here and wouldn’t speed; I know better. So, now I have to fight it. Why can’t Wilmington P.D. get funds honestly instead of preying on innocent taxpayers. Total ABUSE OF PUBLIC OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!