Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps

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Heron Road near Bronson Road

Ottawa, OntarioNov 05, 20040 Comments

As you travel East after Bronson, as you go down the hill slow down to atleast 70 – 80kms, it is a 60km zone but ppl liek to travel at about 80 – 100km or even more……there will be 3cops, and a tri-pod, so beware

Hemlock Road near Manor Park Public School

Ottawa, OntarioOct 29, 20040 Comments

They are usually hidden in the less visible residential streets along along Hemlock. There is usually one Police Officer visible holding a radar gun, and if you look down the street there will be 2-3 police cars parked. Usually pretty nice sometimes will just tell you to slow down if you aren’t speeding too badly but the speed limit is 50kph and people generally drive 80kph. watch out I have seen them along there about 3 times a week for the past 2 months.

Woodroffe Avenue near Carling Avenue

Ottawa, OntarioOct 29, 20040 Comments

Travelling on Woodroffe, away from Baseline towards Carling, or when you get off the Westbound Queensway Woodroffe exit North, there is an elementary school and church before the first set of lights. There is at least 1 cop there almost every night. worst time is when its dark, they hide in the laneways and are hard to see from far.

Laparriere Street near Clyde Crossing

Ottawa, OntarioOct 14, 20040 Comments

Police w/speed gun sitting on Laparrierre. They get you then when you get up to the 4 way stop at Laparrierre & Clyde, 2 more officiers there to ensure that you see them, then pull you over.

They also sit at the 4 way stop & harrass people with no seatbelts.

This is definately a tough one.

chamberlain Road near lyon Street

Ottawa, OntarioSep 20, 20040 Comments

Two motor cycle cops hiding beside public tennis courts off lyon street at chamberlain ave

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