Toronto, Ontario Speed Traps

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Lakeshore Blvd East of Exit f/Gardiner Christie Bakery

Toronto, OntarioMay 14, 20030 Comments

The trap is located as the ramp from the Gardiner Expressway slowly turns into Lakeshore Blvd. The ramp to Lakeshore begins at the Christie water tower and the trap is located approximately 1km after this ramp begins. Excellent positioning by the fuzz as motorists are still a little lead footed after coming off the highway and are immediately hit with 60Km/h zone.

Allen Rd

Toronto, OntarioMay 08, 20030 Comments

Cruiser waiting at top of On ramp from Lawrence will catch southbound from 401 traffic heading south to Eglinton. Everyone heading south on Allen will not be able to see cruiser until it’s too late since they catch you after you pass them as they sit atop the Lawrence on ramp.

Lakeshore between Lieslie and DVP

Toronto, OntarioMar 29, 20030 Comments

Going westbound, once past Lieslie theres sometimes a cop in the Movie Studio lane. Stealth car behind bushes.

Going eastbound off the DVP or QEW, once the QEW meets lakeshore theres usually a stealth cop in the little side street. Has caught ALOT of people since its a downhill off the QEW.

O’Conner east of Coxwell Ave.

Toronto, OntarioMar 21, 20031 Comments

The road drops from 60 to 50km/h in this area, so cops usually set traps on either the north or south side of the street. Beware the north side particularly, they hide in the bus shelter.

Bathurst North Of St.Clair South of Eglington

Toronto, OntarioMar 14, 20030 Comments

Cop parks in a driveway and gets people as they cross the bridge and come down a hill.

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