Nashville, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Tulip Grove Road near Rockwood Drive

Nashville, TennesseeJun 30, 20060 Comments

Team of Metro officers wait at bottom of steep hill on Tulip Grove Road at intersection with Rockwood Drive in broad daylight, and catch unwary non-residents driving north from Central Pike toward Lebanon Pike. Posted as 25 or 30, but it’s clearly a secondary, through road.

Gateway Boulevard near Titans Stadium

Nashville, TennesseeJun 30, 20060 Comments

The Gateway Bridge in Nashville is a definite speedtrap. The speed limit is 40 mph. The bridge has an incline and after you cross the river has a steep decline; therefore, as you cross, you go faster. Well, anything pass 40, you will get a ticket. Police are always there ready to get their dollar. And, the police are usually cocky about it. I got two tickets there and each time I thought the policeman was really rude. It is definitely hard to stay at the speed limit at this bridge. You basically need to keep your foot on the brake as you go down the slope on the Titan Stadium side of the bridge.

Interstate 24 East near Harding Place Road

Nashville, TennesseeJun 30, 20060 Comments

The Metro Fundraisers sit on the hill just beyond the Harding Place bridge (going east) parked on the grass on the hill between the interstate and the entrance ramp. They are completely non-visible until one emerges from under the bridge and then it’s too late. Generally are in unmarked Suburbans and sometimes regular police cars.

Main Street near 5th Avenue

Nashville, TennesseeJun 30, 20060 Comments

The stretch of Main Street from 5th Ave to 9th Ave is a defintite speed trap. Police, mostly at night, are constantly stopping cars to give tickets. The speed limit is only 30mph on a four lane stretch. After 11pm, the traffic lights flash and there is very little traffic, hence, motorist may drive 45mph. But, Police will stop you. The police department can deny all they want. They choose this place for revenue. Be wary at all times, but especially when it is dark.

Old Hickory Boulevard near Edmondson Pike Road

Nashville, TennesseeJun 30, 20060 Comments

Two motorcycle cops set up on the westbound side of Old Hickory Blvd, between the Thrible Springs subdivision and the Fire station. The posted speed limit is 45 and the road is wide, with 4 lanes and a center lane. The cops point their radar guns at the westbound traffic coming down the hill. This is a common tactic around town – motorcycle cops set up at the bottom of a hill on a 4 lane load and catch people coming off of the hill after they’ve built up momentum. I’ve seen them set up at the Old Hickory Blvd. location at least 3-4 times a month, usually during morning rush.

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