Nashville, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Harding Place Road near Nolensville Road

Nashville, TennesseeMar 31, 20060 Comments

Heading east on Harding Place towards Nolensville Rd., the posted limit is 40 mph. Just before reaching Nolensville, there is a long downhill where cops sit at the bottom in the car wash parking lot and clock drivers coming down the hill, obviously preying on folks who don’t pay attention to their increase in speed as they go down the hill. You have to watch it or they’ll flag you for as little as 44mph.

2nd Avenue near northbound after Nolensville Rd split

Nashville, TennesseeMar 30, 20060 Comments

Heading northbound on Nolensville Rd. after the split into 2nd/4th Ave just past the fairgrounds. After the road curves under the railroad overpass, the speed limit drops from 45 to 35mph. As you crest the hill, cops (usually motorcycles) will sit at the crest and clock northbound traffic.

Church Street near Interstate 40

Nashville, TennesseeMar 28, 20060 Comments

Police use N.E.S. (Nashville Electric Service) Parking lot as a base and then a cop on foot uses a radar gun, then steps out into traffic and flags people into the parking lot.

D. B. Todd Boulevard near Jubilee Singers Bridge next to Fisk University

Nashville, TennesseeMar 16, 20060 Comments

2-3 Metro officers hide in a parking area near Fisk University and stop you just over the bridge.

Royal Parkway near Claridge Avenue

Nashville, TennesseeMar 09, 20060 Comments

Royal Parkway connects Elm Hill Pike and Donnelson Pike and the nearby interstate I40. This four lane parkway with striped median has only limits number of buildings because it is in the direct line of the east runways of Nashville International Airport. Reasonable safe speed would be 40 – 45 mph. It is not very well marked but it is posted at only 30 mph. Police hide their vehicles on Claridge Ave. and stand at the corner with portable radar gun. As speeding traffic approaches, he steps into the street and waves the speeder into Claridge Ave. Other police officers write up tickets while keeping all cars out of sight of approaching traffic. I don’t have any problem with their tricky methods; I only think the speed limit is unreasonably low and set for the purpose of ticket revenues.

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