College Station, Texas Speed Traps

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Munson Avenue near Domnick Street

College Station, TexasJan 21, 20040 Comments

This is a hotzone for Motorcycle and patrol car police. Most commonly the officer will be in the driveway of the new devolpment watching for south bound traffic, and the car is equipped with rear radar. Watch out because the speed limit is 25 and they will ticket for 5 over. Make sure to stop at all stop signs fully.

Wellborn, next to Kyle Field

College Station, TexasNov 25, 20030 Comments

There is a bike cop who hangs out in the parking lot at Kyle
He will pull you over if you exceed 10mph
Roomate got one, Ive seen it a couple times walking in the parking lot


College Station, TexasNov 10, 20030 Comments

Coming down Holleman from Welborne toward Texas Ave, there’s a hill were the speedlimit drops 5 miles per hour just before you start going downhill. Either under a tree, in a persons yard, or around in the shadows, there’s almost always at least one motorcycle cop waiting down there. Which is just slightly unfair when you have to ride the breaks to slow down, for no real reason. He will most likely give you a ticket for doing at least 10 over (even if you were only doing 2 or 3 ove.r)

Dominik – East

College Station, TexasNov 06, 20030 Comments

On the East side of Dominik near the “dead end”” at the bottom of the hill you will often find police cars and motorcycles camped in driveways or behind tree overhangs on the street. Speed limit is 30 but most of the time you will gain seppd going down that hill unless you ride your brakes. By the time you see them even if you have not hit the gas at all you could be going around 35 and they will pull you over. Usually in the morning hours catching motorists using the “”back roads”” “


College Station, TexasOct 03, 20020 Comments

When you are traveling up dexter from george bush dr. you will get to a fairly sharp turn to the right. The turn is past brison park. There is a large bush in front of that turn. The cop (on a motorcycle) hides in the blind spot behind it. By the time you see him, he’s got you. The speed limit is 25. He will stop you for going 30 even though there is a speed increase to 30mph 20 yards ahead. You can see him easily if you come from the other side.

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