San Antonio, Texas Speed Traps

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State Highway I.H. 35N near State Highway 4300 Block

San Antonio, TexasJan 03, 20081 Comments

Holiday speed trap, very bad speed limit on Highway is 70 mph entering San Antonio drops to 60 mph, I saw several cars pulled over I was slowing down and never saw the sign lowering the speed from 70 to 60. Very bad spot at least five cars pulled over when I was. Total rip off they know what they are doing. 16 miles over cost me $201.00. Nice Vacation. Stay out of San Antonio, Texas

Zarzamora/Applewhite Road near 410 Loop

San Antonio, TexasNov 17, 20070 Comments

Bexar County And SAPD setup on Zarzamora and Applewhite from 410 loop to Toyota Plant. Speed Limit is 40 MPH on Zarzamora and 45 on Applewhite .

Interstate 35 north&south near George Beach Street

San Antonio, TexasOct 30, 20070 Comments

tri-pot and 6 to 8 unmark cars waiting

410 West Loop near Culebra Street

San Antonio, TexasOct 24, 20070 Comments

One cop sets up the tripod from the access road of 410 (around Fudruckers) and will radio other cops down the highway of speeders.

This is a regular set up and you don’t notice because you are concentrating on the traffic on 410 which is pretty heavy.

I only noticed becuase I pass this cop (with the tripod) every morning going to the office. When I come back from lunch…still there.

Vance Jackson Street near 1604 Loop

San Antonio, TexasSep 22, 20070 Comments

Coming off 1604, Vance Jackson begins and is in the jusisdiction of a bedroom city of Shavano Park.

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