Fairfax, Virginia Speed Traps
State Route 123 near Judicial Road
As you head towards the city of Fairfax Northbound on 123 past GMU. It is right near the GMU townhouses on the left side of 123. Well right past the INOVA emrgency care facility cops hand out at that light getting people as the speed limit drops from 35 to 25 mph. At night they are completely unnoticable until you are right on top of them. They are there about 3 nights a month pulling people over who are still going about 40 on 123.
Main Street near Estel Road
In Fairfax City heading North on Main St. from Pickett Road, just past Estel Rd. there’s a parallel road on the right side that serves the Townhouse community there. I constantly see a motorcycle officer parked on that street sometimes nicely hidden behind a parked car. Speed limit there is 35mph.
Fairfax County Parkway near State Route 66
If you are coming from Fair Lakes, and continue past the Rt 66 exit, you will be continuing on Fairfax County Parkway ((7100)). There have been more than a few occasions where I see a cop pulled pretty far back into this "driveway" like area where they have those big domes that hold sand and salt.
The speed limit is 50mph, but I was going aroung 60, and was not pulled over. I haven’t seen anyone pulled over right there, but Im just letting everyone know that they do sit there. They park too far back to spot before you are already driving past.
Random Hills Road near Waples Mill Road
Coming off Waples Mill Road onto Random Hills be sure not to speed up too fast. The limit is 35 mph, and the cops will hide out (1) in the parking lot of that first office building on the right or (2) in the subdivision street about 1/4 mile down on the right. Likewise ppl need to be carefull coming in the opposite direction, down Random Hills from the Fairfax Corner shopping center. Coming down that hill, it is really easy to coast up to 45 mph, and the cops will tag you right as you come round the bend. I live in the neighborhood and make it a habit to set the cruise control under 40 mph. Haven’t had a problem but have seen many, many cars pulled over.
State Highway Lee Highway Rt 29 near Oak Street
An officer patrols the east bound section with moving radar and radios license plate and car description to officer about 1/2 mile down who stands in the street motioning car to pull over.