Norfolk, Virginia Speed Traps

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Hampton Boulevard near Yacht Club

Norfolk, VirginiaOct 03, 20070 Comments

Cruisers sit on the north side of the bridge by the median. It is the natural impulse to speed up when you get to the bridge, because you have finally made it by ODU, and Larchmont and the wide open bridge makes you want to speed up. Don’t – by the time you are at the peak of the bridge, the radar already has you pegged.

Campostella Road

Norfolk, VirginiaOct 02, 20070 Comments

Coming off the Campostella Bridge the speed limit is only 30 miles an hour. This is a six lane road not in a residential section which should cause it to have at least a 35 mile an hour posting. The steep incline of the Campostella Bridge makes it almost impossible to be doing less then 35 as you come off the bridge and the police love to sit right at the bottom and pull speeders.

Princess Anne Road near Booker T. Washington High School

Norfolk, VirginiaSep 08, 20070 Comments

traffic enforcement sets up regularly in this area catching drivers both eastbound and westbound. speed limit is 25 when school is not in session and 15 when school is in session.

Bay Avenue near Interstate 64

Norfolk, VirginiaAug 24, 20070 Comments

Police officers park on the side streets and monitor cars leaving the Naval Air Station in the afternoons (primarily). This is a residential neighborhood between the I-64 overpass and Granby Street, and posted speeds are 25 mph. Cars drive considerably faster and police monitor the area on a monthly to bi-monthly basis.

Thole Street near Granby High School

Norfolk, VirginiaJun 08, 20070 Comments

Street is cut thru between Granby St. and Interstate Police allow 5 and write on 6. Speed as in any residental neighborhood is 25 but because street is wide and stright speeds of 50 is not uncommon.

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